Electronic Kit provides education with entertainment, which students will learn about complex electronic education fundamentals just like playing with blocksIt is expandable with the use of different circuit boards, which will increase the systematic learning experience of electronics. The Education electronic Kit is designed to be flexible on age, skills and time, Principles of electronics will lead to a further understanding of studies as well as a problem-solving ability. The fundamental story of robots to problem-solving steps will help students to expand their knowledge and creativity.
Education electronics establishes a new paradigm of education by creating a variety of circuits with different blocks. Learning through trial-error and problem-solving, students can increase their emotional achievement. Electronic Kit introduces to the total science of mechanics, electronics, IT and more.
Learning electronic fundamentals using blocks will bring fun, education to students. After understanding the basics of each lesson, students will create robot blocks that can be used in real life.
Education electronic kit is designed in blocks to avoid danger of burn or inhale of air from soldering By connecting circuits in blocks, Electronic Kit is safe and easy to use.
Previous education in electronics was based on the Breadboard, which was a complicated process of connecting several circuit parts.
Using the circuit blocks, connection between circuits is easy to understand. Student's approach to electronics education is made fun and easy through step by step practice.